All Cal State LA employees, students and visitors are required to conduct a health self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms before arriving at Cal State LA.
If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, please do not come onto the Cal State LA campus.
- Fever of 100.4 F, or;
- Alternating chills and sweating; or
- Cough, trouble breathing, shortness of breath; or
- Sore throat; or
- Muscle or body aches; or
- New loss of smell or taste; or
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea; or
- Headache; or
- Congestion or runny nose; or
- Fatigue
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms:
- Stay home and avoid contact with others, except for seeking medical care if needed.
- Students may seek medical care from the Student Health Center (SHC). Please call first at 323-343-3300 before visiting the SHC. The SHC is following the guidelines of Public Health in assessing and caring for patients presenting with symptoms. For other information and hours of operation, please visit the Student Health Center webpage.
- Employees should contact their healthcare provider.
- Employees who have any symptoms listed above must inform their appropriate administrator that they are exhibiting one or more of these symptoms, contact their medical provider for advice, and not report to work. Employees who develop these symptoms and/or test positive for COVID-19 are required to disclose this information to Human Resources Management at [email protected] and may not return to work until clearance from Human Resources Management.
- Employees who develop these symptoms during the workday while on campus will be sent home and advised to contact their medical provider, and follow up with their appropriate administrator or chair for bargaining Unit 3 employees. The employee will be placed on a temporary telework assignment until the illness is defined, at which point, the employee will work with Human Resources Management to determine appropriate recording of absence.
- Do not travel while sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Throw used tissues in trash and wash your hands immediately.
- Separate yourself from other people in your home and avoid sharing personal items.
- Rest and drink plenty of fluids.
- Seek urgent medical care for serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing or inability to keep fluids down.